Interventions are an effective means of helping those abusing drug or alcohol come to an understanding about the harm they may be doing to themselves, their families, careers, and overall well-being. Interventions, by definition, come with an offer of help. Interventions can be successful in getting addicts into treatment, but they require careful planning and execution by an experienced interventionist. There are several things to consider when choosing an interventionist. First, it is important to make sure that the interventionist has experience dealing with addiction and is licensed in your state. It is also important to find a professional with whom you feel comfortable. The interventionist should be able to build a rapport with you and your loved ones.
Types of Interventions
During a drug or alcohol intervention, family and friends confront the addict about their disease and try to get them to agree to treatment. There are also behavior interventions, which focus on changing the person’s behavior. Family therapy is a type of behavior intervention that can help families with addiction problems. Other types of interventions include mental health interventions, process addiction interventions (sex, gambling, technology), and even financial interventions for over-spenders.

The Cost of an Intervention
The cost of interventionist services can vary depending on the location and the interventionist’s experience. Some interventionists offer sliding scale fees, which can make services more affordable. Before choosing an interventionist, be sure to ask any questions you have and review their qualifications.
When to Know if an Intervention is Needed
When to intervene in a loved one’s substance abuse can be difficult to determine. There is no black and white answer, and every situation is different. However, there are some general signs that an intervention may be needed. If you are worried about your loved one’s substance abuse, it is important to watch for changes in their behavior. This may include becoming isolated from friends and family, acting out of character, or having problems at work or school. Another sign that intervention may be necessary is if your loved one has started to experience physical or mental health problems due to their substance abuse. If you are seeing any of these signs, it is important to reach out for help. An intervention can provide your loved one with the support they need to get treatment for their addiction.
For more information on interventions and how Positive Recovery may be able to help, call 713-904-4699.